How Do Increasing Oil Prices Affect Your Business Loan Interest Rates?
Following a surprise additional voluntary cut of oil supply by some OPEC+ members in September 2023, the Brent crude oil price skyrocketed to over US$90 a barrel and U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude, which generally moves in tandem with Brent, increased to about US$87 a barrel. However, by the… Read more »
Never Put Your Business in a Low Traffic Zone – You’ll Go Out of Business
A few days ago, I was walking through a neighbourhood in a big Canadian city. The neighbourhood is currently under heavy residential real estate development. There were construction cranes and equipment everywhere as the skeletons of residential buildings were being erected at a feverish pace. Interestingly, some developments that were… Read more »
What Your Bank Will Not Tell You About Your Mortgage Interest Payments
How much of your hard-earned cash is actually going to Mortgage Interest versus Equity? You must understand how real estate numbers work.
What is Mortgage Insurance?
An insurance policy that protects the mortgage lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan.
What is a Mortgage?
A loan that is obtained by a borrower from a mortgage provider in order to buy real estate such as a house, commercial building, or land.